31 Aug 2024
On Friday 30th August we celebrated a joint Father’s Day and Book Week celebration at Holy Family.
We started the day with a Donuts for Dad breakfast. Over 200 donuts were eaten across the day, and it was an excellent opportunity for Dads to share a donut and drink with each other. Dads were then invited to challenge their children at handball or even take time to have a photo with their children in our Facebook frame.
Next the whole school and families gathered in the Hall for a special jam-packed celebration of Dads and Book Week.
Kindergarten shared a dramatization of the book “My Dad” by Anthony Browne and then shared their writing about their Dads.
The crowd were then treated to a dance performance from both our Senior and Junior Captivate squads. Their routines to Candy Man and Texas Hold ‘Em were a sight to behold!
Our One Heart One Mind and Academic Achievement awards were presented next. Congratulations to all who received an award for their hard work and excellent following of our school expectations.
We began our Book Week celebrations with students from each stage sharing their creative writing. This writing was in response to the crazy stimulus items that appeared on the playground last week.
Next our junior Book Week dancers performed a Reading is Magic dance to get us all in the right frame of mind for our Book Parade of characters.
Each stage had a chance to parade and show off their costumes with Mrs Mac, our MC, introducing us to many of wonderful characters on display. Even the younger siblings got to parade if they were in costume. One lucky student in each grade was awarded a book prize after their parade section.
At the end of our book parade each stage waited eagerly to find out who had won the Book Week door display challenge. Ever stage had put a lot of work into their doors, and it was Stage 1 and their Magic Hat display that won the $100 book prize!
Finally, our assembly finished with the annual Teachers Books Week Readers Theatre. This year’s book was the Australian Classic Possum Magic. Everyone enjoyed the teacher’s entertaining reenactment of the story.
A huge thank you to everyone involved with our joint Father’s Day and Book Week celebrations. It was an amazing day which was thoroughly enjoyed by staff, students and our families, especially the Dads who were in attendance!